Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Tuesday knitwits and making progress

After 2 weeks of internet issues, things seem to be better today! Lots of temper tantrums, much swearing and complaints may or may not have solved the problem, all I know is that the internet is a bloody big pain in the arse but I can't live without it! :D

Anyway Tuesday knitwits was back on this week (I know it's Wednesday, see above :D ) after a week off last week. In that time I have finished two garments.

I don't really want to do much more apart from maybe some mittens, booties and a couple of hats, I've other things I want to be getting on with, but they're pretty cute eh?


  1. Pretty cute Sue!
    Hope your internet sorts itself out soon, looking forward to friday funny :)

  2. They're beautiful! And you are quick with knitting needles!

  3. Fingers crossed Jay :D
    Heather it helps a lot they are so small lol! If I was knitting for me it would most likely take a year lmao!

  4. Anonymous4:53 pm

    They look so nice.

  5. so lovely Sue, well done I bet the baby looks great in it

  6. Hopefully he will, he's not due until May ;-D


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