Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Little Gems................


  1. I love calves - they're so adorable with their giant noses.
    Your goats look lovely too - I used to own 2 nannies, and hubby is trying to convince me to get goats again.
    I'l have to think about that. ;)

    - Jenny

  2. Listen to your hubby! :D Calve are like little deer! I was laughing today, they've started running around and giving their mums heart attacks trying to keep up with them!

  3. Anonymous4:29 am

    Wonderful pictures. The goats are the cutest things in the world!!

  4. They are aren't they Melanie :-D Everyone should have some!

  5. Looking at your Dexters makes me miss mine so much. We had two heifers and their calves here for two years but could not support them anymore. We were feeding them day and night for 18 months. We also have 8 acres but have none of that green stuff on the ground that you have. You are very fortunate. Dexters are such a lovely breed and I loved milking Lorray. You actually are doing all that I dream of doing so nice to see what it can look like. Must say you are an inspiration. :)

    Cheers Damaris

  6. Hi Damaris, they are great aren't they. I try to have a daily cuddle with Isobel, she was handraised so she's easy to handle. I wish we had spent more time with the others getting them nore friendly, but with so much else going on it's hard. We don't have much green stuff at the moment, we are desperate for rain and although we've had some we need more.It's looking a bit greener but the grass isn;t really growing. And with the temepratures dropping it may not. We have a barn full of hay and grazing at the neighbours so something to fall back on. Keep visiting it's nice to know you are there :D


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