As promised, photos and a little of how we got on at Waikatos World with the Boers on Saturday.
First class was Doe kid born between 1st June and 1st August 09. I entered Eve and we were placed 5th out of 18 entries. I'm in black with a pink thingie, 4th from left
Next class was doe kid born after 1st August 2009, I entered Ella, we got 3rd place.
Me and Joe about to go in the ring for the Progeny class with Eve and Ella.
Progeny class - and 3 kids, any age or sex, same sire, different dams.I think we were about 5th place in this class
Dutch our buck
Joe with Dutch in the Senior buck 36mths and over class, we didn't do too well here, our fella needs to pack on some more weight.
Our doe kids, Ember(lying down) Eve(left) & Ella(right)
Me with Brea in the Senior doe 36mths and over class. No good in this class either, she was quite small in comparison.
The final class for us, Breeders medal, any 3 goats so long as they were bred by the breeder. We got 2nd place
It was a good day, the weather was great and we were in a vert flash new shed. There is a lot of building work going on at Claudelands just now and so the show was smaller this year and not so much of the extra entertainment going on. I preferred this to be honest it was more like a traditional A&P show thats concentrated on the animals.
Next show a week on Saturday.
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