Thursday, February 03, 2011

In the kitchen - Plums

Remember these?

They are now these, 8 jars of bottled plums....

And these, 9 containers of stewed apple and plum ....

with a crumble topping..

and in the freezer!

There are some left for eating and we had a lovely big crumble at the weekend


  1. Wow Sue, awesome job..I am ever so slightly envious (in a good way) at the abundance your wee farm provides... I'm waiting for the day, we stay in a place long enough to grow a
    And your deep freeze is like Mary Poppins hat, it has an endless depth. Now as I am a huge crumble fan, if it doesn't all fit, you can find me at HMAS Cerberus

  2. Hi Wendy :D Yes I'm really pleased with what we managed to grow this year. The freezer I showed in a previous post is full, I'm adding to the chest freezer in the garage now. It's the one we store the meat in :D

  3. Oh, that looks so good! I'm jealous of all this fruit (and veggies, but mostly fruit!) that you're able to grow. :)

  4. Anonymous10:30 am

    Everything looks so good. The plums are such a beautiful color.

  5. Love what you did with the crumble Sue! Thanks for the inspiration. I am slightly overwhelmed by what I have come into here and have another two varieties of plum ready for picking now. and a third one yet to come.

  6. We didn't get as many plums as last year, probably just as well as we still have chutneys and jam from last year :D

  7. I love the plums with the crumble topping. Year before last I canned 22 pints of plums from our one tree but then last year we didn't get any plums. I am not sure what happened last year but maybe this year we will have more again.

  8. Did you lose all your blossom Becky? We had that happen to the pear tree, and not a single one this year!

  9. That looks so delicious. What a great post very colourful and I am sure it will be tasty. Great job. Greetings from Canada

  10. Thank you Buttons :D Welcome to NZ :D


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