Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Wednesday at the Sallies

I recently volunteered my services at a new Salvation Op shop. I was at the one City Sue helps out in on Mondays. For a number of reasons I have decided not to help there anymore. After a visit to the new shop a couple of weeks ago and knowing they desperately needed help this is where I was today. Being newly opened there is a lot of stuff that needs sorting and organising. When I got there at midday today one poor lady was just about buried under a heaving room of bags and boxes of donated goods. After four hours of hard slog we've managed to uncover the floor, loads of black bags were emptied and the clothes put into banana boxes that have been stacked. At the end of the afternoon we were very happy with our efforts. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, met some great people and I'm looking forward to going back next week.
I'll tell you more about the site they are on and all of the other great work they are doing there and how they are helping the community another time.

I did find myself a couple of nice tops in all the chaos and only paid $2 per item

They'll do nicely!


  1. Well done chic!!

  2. So you are at the right source, aren't you?
    I think you do a good job there.

  3. What a bargain! And well done for your great effort!


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