Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas one and all

This year I have my Christmas Mojo back, Joe's off and Michael will be here so it will be lovely to spend it with my boys, Tash is away spending it with her family, so we'll catch up with her when she gets back. We're now settled for Christmas eve, we've had our dinner of ham, new spuds and green beans and I'm about to have my second glass of mulled wine and  mince pie. I won't spend anymore time waffling because there are lots of photos, but I will just wish all my family and friends far and wide a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2015. To all my cyberbuddies online and in blogland thanks for coming by and leaving comments. I apologise for not getting to your blogs lately but I promise to remedy that next year....cripes have I just made a new year resolution?
However you spend you day have the best time ever with the ones that mean the most to you, if your travelling please drive carefully. Love to you all. xxxx

 My daily plans

 Recipes taped to the doors
 Christmas day entree
 With the stuffed turkey crown and ham we'll be having new potatoes from the garden 
and these salads

 In the evening we're heading over to our friends and neighbours and I'll be taking this retro cheese ball over, not that we'll need to eat anything else! Phew!

 From these.....

 I made these..
 Jamie Olivers mulled with and I added some brandy
 Mince pies
 Christmas eve dinner table

 Mulled wine and mince pies which we're enjoying now as I do this blog post
 All the presents are wrapped! Bring it on....

And now for some Chritmassy stuff at ours...enjoy xx

  This was clearly modelled on me!!


  1. Merry Cheery Christmas Sue..................all that food looks so good! As does your home!

  2. Merry x matey! Pace yer self!

  3. Merry Christmas to you - it looks like you are all set for a wonderful time... gorgeous decorations too!

  4. Merry Christmas!!! I'm starving now, your home looks so beautifully festive, have a good 'un! x x x

  5. Merry Christmas to and your family! We are having a brown Christmas here in the foothills of the Rockie Mountains, Canada. Maybe snow next week, we're not complaining!!!


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