Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dusting off the SLR

Phones can take such good photos these days and they're just so convenient to use, being small they fit in a pocket or your handbag. They certainly are a lot less cumbersome than my big camera, however I do have a good camera and it seems criminal not t use it more than I do,especially when I'm getting a new wide angle lens for my birthday this week.
I'm trying to not rely on the Auto setting too much, Auto is perfectly fine when you need to take a shot quickly but as I've had some time on my hands I've been using the manual setting.
Just a few photos taken in the last week....


Silver fern

Attempting a shot of the full moon this week

Monarch butterfly

Aster - I think   

Back soon



  1. I'm not the photographer of the house (I just use my phone and hope for the best), but both my hudband and daughter have been using their SLR's more lately. Loved all your photo's .

    1. Thanks,phone cameras are just fine they can and do take really good shots. My favourite camera used roll film, I still have it, maybe I dust that off too :D

  2. Beautiful pictures Sue. My brother and his wife just came back from a 'once in a lifetime' trip to Europe visiting 6 countries. They have an expensive, fancy dancy SLR camera and were showing a slideshow of pictures of their trip on the computer. They were all amazing beautiful pictures-all taken on their iphones. They didn't want to take the 'all bells and whistles' camera with them because it would be a pain carting it round with them! Those pictures were amazing!!

    1. I can understand not wanting to carry an SLR and all the paraphernalia around,my worry would be losing my phone, I'm forever putting it down followed by a long search for it

  3. Cool photos. Yes Aster.


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