Friday, November 07, 2008

June 2008

At the end of last month Amber my Boer goat doe, miscarried a kid in early the early stages of her pregnancy, I didn't worry too much about it at the time as these things can happen and I had intended to put her back to the buck in a month or so. But then Sapphire another doe also miscarried! Too much of a coincidence?? I had begun to notice that the goats had stated to lose condition too, we'd had a severe drought through the summer and had no grass, it didn't help that we seemed to have bypassed Autumn and gone straight into winter. Dry summers can be dealt with as long as you get the flush of Autumn growth, this just never happened.
I was worried enough to call out our vet who came and took bloods and poo samples from them all and sent them off for testing.
Results came back and it showed that they goat had a huge worm problem, so they were wormed. Results also showed a copper deficiency, this can lead to miscarriages. So with a vitamin and mineral treatment plan we set about trying to improve their condition before we headed off to the UK in July. My goats are very precious to me and with them all looking so sick the thought of not being here for a whole month really was not helping.
By the time we left in July there seemed to be some improvement and I had to just bite the bullet and carry on with the holiday, there was no other alternative.

Michael turned 16!! How did that happen??? Doesn't he look a picture! (Evil cackle)


  1. Hope your gots are now well and will bare kids next spring.

    Please send me an e mail so I can save your new e mail address.

    All the best

  2. Hi Nutter! If you put your e-mail here, I'll e-mail ya back, don't worry I shan't publish it on the blog. Your e-mail doesn't show on the notification e-mail that tells me I have a comment! ;-)


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