Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chook Runderdome!

We have chooks, quite a few, not sure how many exactly! They are great I love them and they lay eggs so a great bonus! Up until recently they were 'very' free ranging, in fact they went where they liked, scratching up the mulch on the garden borders and spreading it everywhere! They had a habit too of sunbathing on the front doorstep and leaving presents! And they weren't eggs....where they were being laid was a mystery and there were no eggs for breakfast.

Joe was getting fed up with them and wanted to start his veggie garden but he wouldn't even start that until the chooks were contained! It's not cheap to buy the necessary equipment to make an enclosure and we had other priorities.

I was browsing on an NZ auction site and spotted some commercial fruit growers cloches, they were huge, 81 metres in length worth! It was the tubing to make the arches and all the attachments for anchoring it all to the ground. All it needed was some covering which wasn't included, but at $100 for it all I thought it was a bargain. It would be perfect for a greenhouse, well about 3 metres of it would, quite what we were going to do with the rest we hadn't thought about...make lots of other greenhouse kits and sell on??

I shared the the news of our bargain purchase on an NZ farming forum, I had a few private messages about it, from people who wanted to buy some off us, at this stage however we weren't sure what we could do with it so said no, not at this stage. One PM though asked if some of it would make a chicken dome? MMMmmmmm, Joe brain started ticking over and the idea of a chicken run was born!

It does a brilliant job keeping the chooks contained they still have loads of room to free range AND I know where the eggs are! Take a look!

I have to tell you that when Joe was building the entrance from the run to the hen house I had the tune from the Great escape going through my mind, and I keep watching for any signs of escape tunnels!! When it was complete we watched Nick Parks animated movie Chicken Run on DVD! ;-D Very good!

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