Friday, October 16, 2009

2 days out in a week! Whatever next??

I know, what a gad-about I am! Well I had to go out really, it was the last day to get my entries in for Waikatos World Agricultural and Pastoral show. This event occurs every year and this year it will be on from the 30th October to the 1st of November.
I decided to enter 3 out of my 5 doe kids, quality not quantity, it meant I had to think of names too. I have entered Ember and Eve for the older doe kid class and Ella in the younger doe kid class. These three will then be in the breeders class together, they need to be from different dams but the same sire, they can, however, be any age or any sex.




I also decided to enter Dutch, my buck, although he is looking a bit scrappy at the moment, he is shedding his winter coat and because of the wet weather is limping with scald, this is bit like athletes foot for goats. So I hope he will come right in time but if not we can just not take him, it means losing the $6 entry fee but they have an incentive scheme. Basically you get your money back! Seems a bit daft really, why not just give you free entry!?
After I had done that I met a friend for coffee and had a very nice savoury scone! YUM!
I had to be back by 1.30 at the 'poo' man was coming, we had a blockage and nothing was draining into the septic tank. Unfortunately he couldn't do anything about it, apparently because of all the raine we have had the water table has risen so much that the tank wasn't able to drain properly. Anyway when Joe got home he got th epump working and drained off the excess water and got it flowing! It was a shit job, but someone had to do it! ;-D


  1. Nice to come visit with you on your lovely blog, am widly jealous.

  2. Thank you for visiting! :D Yours is lovely too, I remember a couple of those kiddie books from working in my pre-school.


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