Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Remembering Shannon

5th October 1994 - 18th November 1997

Playing with the angels.

Forever in our thoughts, sending our love across the world to your mum, Kim, dad Paul and your sister and brother Cassie & Kyle. Place a rose on her resting place for us please
Raspberry kisses XXXX

If Only
If only I could see you again,
To ease the hurt and numb the pain.
Just to hold you for a little while,
Hear your laugh and see your smile.

But your time with us was oh so brief,
And you left us alone to deal with our grief.
You coped with so much for one so young,
But you'd had enough and now you're gone.

And one day soon the hurt will ease,
We'll see you again in Heaven, please.
So we'll have to go on with our lives I suppose,
We will always remember, Shannon our rose.

Just one more laugh and one more smile,
Just one more hold for a little while.
Just one more day without the pain,
If only we could see you again.


  1. What a beautiful little girl - and I am very very sorry that she didn't get the opportunity to grow up. My stepson, Sean, died in front of my eyes 10 years ago next year 30/6/00 - not a day goes by that I don't think of him. He would be 26 now, but will always be 16 in my memories. The pain NEVER goes, you just learn to carry on. So sorry for your loss :-(

  2. Thank you Rachael, she was a very special little girl and we are better people for knowing her. So sorry to hear about your stepson, life can be very cruel sometimes :(

  3. I haven't read your blog long enough to know what happened to Shannon, but I want to tell you I am sorry for your loss...

  4. Shannon was the daughter of some dear friends, we were honoured to have known her and to have been a big part of her life, she touched the lives of many. We loved her.


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