Monday, November 09, 2009

A weekend in the veggie garden

This weekend was a glorious weekend, it felt like summer had arrived. First thing Saturday morning we had to go grocery shopping, Joe dropped me off at the supermarket as he had a couple of errands to run and he met me half way round, I would have got further except I bumped into someone I hadn't seen for ages and we had a bit of a long chat.
Our veggie garden as most of you know is made up of raised beds, all built with easy maintenance in mind which is working. There is the bare mimimun of weeds to pull and all we need to do is plant or sow seeds, water, wait to grow, pick and eat!
The same couldn't be said for the paths however, now the grass has started growing it just won't stop, the last time I posted about progress was after Labour weekend, click here to read more.
Once back from shopping and after Joes obligatory cup of tea...he's English, nothing begins without a cup of tea first!!
Here is what we did in pictures:

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