Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday funny - Women

With time women gain weight
because we accumulate so much information in our heads
that when there is no more room,
it distributes it out to the rest of our bodies.

So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured,
educated and happy.

Beginning today,
when I look at my backside in the mirror,
I will think,

Good grief, look how smart I am!

Must be where 'Smart Arse' Came from!


  1. Anonymous5:27 am

    I am always telling my husband that he doesn't have a beer belly, it is a brain belly. Except he doesn't drink beer or have a brain!!

  2. Anonymous11:10 pm

    Funny! Love it! I should hang this joke beside my mirror.

    Beer belly?
    No, that's the child within the man.


  3. Haha Fertig :D Good to hear from you.

  4. Anonymous9:59 pm

    Why? :-)
    I have a look at your great blog daily. Well, at least 4-5 times a week. I use to start my day with it - before having a look at the newspaper. It's very much more interesting. You're doing a wonderful job there. Thumbs up!

    These days I noticed that I seemed to get mixed up with your other webside. I should peep in there again. I'm getting d****d old.


  5. Good to hear from you cos yer noticeably absent from WWW, it was a subtle hint! lmao! :D Hope to see you in the other world! :D Thanks for reading my blog ♥

  6. Anonymous11:09 pm

    Have been there meanwhile.
    Had such a lot of reading to do.... You all had been busy...
    But will write as well - as soon as there is something to write about, hahaha


  7. Saw you had been :D Good stuff, see ya soon ♥


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