I thought I would tone todays post down after so much excitement yesterday regarding the cushion post, I can't have you all having the vapours!
So it's this months update in the veggie garden. I've had varied success growing from seeds, I don't think there is quite enough light in the garage and some have gone a bit leggy, and the probably too young plants we put out at the weekend look sick if not dead. I'll see how they go, but it may be a trip back to the garden centre for some more starter plants whilst I try again.
We really do need a greenhouse for starting some seeds but that's not an option right now, although one is on the cards.
Anyway, a pictorial view of the veggies this month, the warmer weather has certainly made them take off in the last week or two:
This veggie patch is starting to look like Stalag Luft III (Great Escape) The netting is doing what it set out to do and that was protect the plants from wind and critters!
Netting to stop whatever bugga is nicking me strawberries!


Strawberries for tea methinks!

Pumpkin patch, bad light, sorry. Corn along the corrugated iron, two variety of pumpkins at the back, some courgettes in the middle and some sad looking gherkins along the left

Two types of cucumber and spinach, the cukes are a bit slow getting started

It's a bit hard taking photos through all that netting! Brassicas and a few leeks.

Patty green courgette

Chilli peppers and capsicums, slowly growing, perhaps not quite warm enough for them yet, the habenero chilli doesn't look at all well, front centre, may need a replacement. we got a lot of weeds coming up in that soil we brught in :(

Early swift potatoes, doing very well, Joe's banked them up twice already. In the ridges beyond Joe planted purple heart spuds last night.

Radishes going mad and the carrots are on their way

Look at that lovely radish!

Oh!! How DID it get in there!!!!?

Onions with a few beetroot

Peas are flying now, the support netting went in at the weekend

Yellow and green beans, some haven't germinated so I'll pop some more in, better get me wire cutters and dark clothes on and go in at night so the guards don't see me! (I have the theme tune to Great Escape in my head now!)

So much netting :D Joe's not taking any chances this year!

Clyde, one of the guards! Don't think he's seen me yet!

Still yet to plant, a wide variety of tomatoes, still waiting on the tomato beds to be done. Runner beans that will be wrapping themselves around the rafters in the garage soon! And some other stuff....

The largest tom plant is the grafted money maker, it so needs to go outside! Next size down, cherry toms and the smallest beefsteak. Bit too leggy really but I'm sure they will be fine if we ever get them outside!

I put the seedlings on the back of the car in trays, might do that each day so they aren't craving the light, all I need now is my litle helper to dig them up! The helper being a little black furry thing that meows and ambushes you in long grass!

Your garden is growing great!
ReplyDeleteWow Sue, it's all looking wonderful especially those strawberries!!
ReplyDeleteJust baout to have those strawberries now with some ice cream!
ReplyDeleteEverything is looking so good. Enjoy those strawberries.
ReplyDeleteI did enjoy the strawberries Mel :D
ReplyDeleteEverything looks great and makes me miss MY garden and green growing things! Feels strange to see you putting in your garden while we're hunkering down for winter.
I know Heather, I read yours and thinks the same thing :D
ReplyDeleteSue smack me round the head for being a know it all, but if you have problems with the corn, I have always found breaking your rows into two, like half a dozen each row, it really helps with pollination, it struggles with just one row..lol.. now tell me your corn always grows real happy in a straight line :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy there are actually 2 rows of corn now lol and more still yet to go in :D Our neighbour grows his in single rows all around the edge of his veggie garden and he had heaps! :D