Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Nuff said!


  1. I'll still be saying that on 25th December. Bloody waste of time and money. Bah humbug. x

  2. This time of year gets so dark and cold I CLING to the idea of Christmas to ease my way into winter.

    It's pitch black by 4:30pm these days. Time to get out the Christmas lights to add some cheer! :)

  3. That's what like in the winter in the UK too Heather, but here in NZ it's summer and all those decs and lights look so wrong! lol :D

  4. Bahahahaha!
    WELL said!
    I'm with Vix,bah bloody humbug!
    O,cheers for the sweet comment re our EP! I feel a bit shy about it,surprisingly.....(wtf?!)


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