Had a couple of errands to run today, I needed some thermal lining for some curtains and blinds I'm making for the rental house. I'm reusing the old fabric from our bedroom curtains that we replaced when we redecorated. The old lining had gone black with mould, the joy of living with high humidity and damp air but there was nothing wrong with the actual fabric so it made sense to re-use it.
I bought it from Spotlight which is only across the road from Sue's, popped in for a cuppa and then headed to Habitat and found the following, can't remember what any of it cost!

More stuff for the party......I'm supposed to have stopped buying but the toy fish just looked a bit sad on his own, he needed a shoal family to keep him company! Loved the moulds too! I might just have to make blue jelly in those!
I also had some invites to deliver and as I just so happened to be driving past the Grandview Sallies I had to call in, how could I not! Anyway found these thingies...
Three wooden tropical platters, cocktail stirrers and a sea themed ice cube mould.
and I just had to have this perfume bottle, isn't it gorgeous, $4!
I'm cream crackered (knackered) so off to put me feet up.
see ya
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