Thursday, January 10, 2013

The long and winding road.......

After my eventful walk the other day, (you can click here to see what happened) I thought I would share in pictures a 'normal' walk with you. We're at the end of a no exit 8km road, the last 3 kms are not tar sealed and it's just gravel, or metal  as they call it here. Lots of loose stuff, big potholes after rain, cow poop etc...not too nice to walk on. So I hop in the car  and park in the Valley road, another no exit road that comes off ours, it's 2.45kms long and very pretty. Mostly both roads lead to dairy farms, there are other blocks like ours but the bulk of the land is for proper farming! Where our road meets the Valley road there is a Christian camp which is always in use, our craft group used it a while ago when we needed more space to make our dyed wool blankets.

It was quite overcast the day I took the camera, it's just glorious when the sun shines but at this time of year it's best to walk early as it gets far too hot.

 On my way....

 around every corner a different view
getting to the end of the road

at the end there is the Karakariki track, a walkway which we've yet to explore, it leads to a waterfall apparently. Can you see the goblin on the fallen tree trunk (bottom right)?
(remember you can enlarge the photos by clicking on them)

almost back to the car and the Christian Camp and a Tui in the tree, if you can make him out!

 Where the two roads meet. I walk end to end a total of 4.9kms then add another 100mtrs and I've achieved my goal of 5kms. Sometimes I carry on up the straight, the last bit of tar seal before it stops, this is 1km long so to the end and back again another 2kms, I walked 7kms yesterday, 5kms today.
Heading home in the car now and bottom left is where the seal stops, look carefully at the bottom right..can you see the dog on the quad bike, I'm pretty sure she can drive it ya know!

Passing one of the dairy farms and their duck ponds

Passing the calf sheds and the last of the long and winding road that leads to our door..
..and two happy faces pleased to see me, one cheeky max who can come through the cat flap and Clyde peeking out of the window! See how cute those faces are! Now you can understand why I got soft for a moment and took them walking with me! It won't happen again unless it's at the beach.

See ya next time

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Sue! I'm always in power-walking-mode with my hand weights and my 225bpm music and I never think to take pics when I'm walking. Your walk is so gorgeous - it would take me ages as I'd have to stop and admire the birds or the view or the cows or the dogs every few steps! And good for you for walking - don't you feel fab afterwards?? Sarah xxx


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