Wednesday, January 09, 2013

T'was a scorcher for the 1st Suesday of 2013....

...well the official 1st Suesday of 2013, we snuck into SaveMart last Friday, I got some things there but buggered if I can remember what, it might come back to me by the end of the post and I'll perhaps pop a photo on the end. TV Weather said Hamilton hit a 27degC high today, my car temperature gauge read 30degC, by the time we finished we were gettin' rather 'ot! 
Whizzed around our usual shops, some were still closed and some I walked out of empty handed, apparently you are allowed to do that sometimes....I never knew! Gasp!

As always Habitat for Humanity was first stop and I got this cute t-shirt(for walking in) $5, the brand new white shirt for $7.50 and the cute little hand painted Italian plates for $3 each
(click on photos to enlarge)

We spent rather a long time in HFH and decided to head straight to Jenny Craig for my first weigh in since before Christmas, I was dreading it, we partayed hard, (I did do a lot of walking) and would you believe it I had lost 400gms! Booyah!!! Total loss to date 13.3kgs! So as you can imagine I was very pleased, the 7km walk this morning must have helped.

At the next op shop I found this new salad spinner, we really needed one of these as the knob had pulled off, and ya can't spin wiv'out a knob!! $8 in Vinnies

Save Mart produced these, top $6.99, skirt $7.99 
and another book to add to my growing classics collection $2.99

At the SPCA in Dinsdale I got the pretty t-shirt and the embroidered cushions all for $2 each

Lastly in the Sallies in Grandview I found this wine cooler, would you believe I wanted one of these too! 
$3 and still in it's packaging unused! Result!

Just going back a bit, after JC weigh in and having 28 mins still left on the parking meter, we trotted over to TS, a rather pricey shop it but sells the most gorgeous things. As much as I love op-shopping I still like to have things brand new, especially as they just so happened to have a sale on. Got these rather lovely blouses for a fraction of the price they normally sell for. A shop I could quite easily spend a fortune in so it's best to be avoided most of the time!

Photo shoot with my girls

Today I wore blouse, leggings and shoes all op shopped

And finally Jenny Craig weigh ins are now going to be fortnightly, so every other Wednesday will continue to be Suesday, but in place of those missed Wednesdays we will take part in Frock up Friday, so we'll still be up to no good every week so don't despair. I think it's a really cool idea as we can't both do Suesday and Frock up Fridays every week. I know exacery what Frock to wear next week too! :-D

So that's it for today see you tomorrow


  1. Just look how cute you are!!!! Congratulations on the JC weigh-in.

    The girls are darling, too.

  2. Fancy Savemart selling a dirty book like Lady Chatterley's Lover!!!
    (I have that too.....The Rainbow is my favourite of his)
    Nice scoring, love! I especially love the plates.Isn't it amazing when you find brand new shit?! I can't believe what people throw away! One womans trash is another womans treasure, blah blah....
    Nice one on losing weight over Chrissy! That's not normal! You obvs weren't drinking as much as MOI! XXXXXX

    1. Ya know I've never read it! :D I know! But ya know when you HAD to read them I never wanted to, so now I'm all growed up..kinda I will read it :D


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