Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Back home, safe and sound and pottering

We arrived home safe and sound late Monday afternoon. We stopped on the way back for a picnic lunch at some lookout before Auckland and the temperature was far cooler than in the North! I told Joe to turn the car around and head back to warmer climes, I had cold feet in bed that night! The first day of autumn comes and goes and the temps drop at night! I don't like it, not one little bit!! Still warm during the day but I have to say the wind has been relentless this summer in the Waikato.
We were all unpacked and put away as soon as we got home, then we just did pretty much nothing for the rest of the evening and the next day. Although Joe was up early fixing the upstairs loo in his undies and pajama t-shirt! That's just the way he rolls!

Today was another pottering day, the house needed vacuuming and it needs it again cos there's animal fur everywhere! I want bald animals next time! 

I was looking for something in a cupboard and saw my hidden stash of  'projects still to do sometime in this lifetime' and decided to be inspired. 

Take one cut glass plate, one fancy sundae dish and some Bostik Multi Bond

Put some Bostik on one surface, place them together

and ya get a fancy smancy platter!
It's going to take about 24 hours for it to dry fully (Joe said), it certainly hadn't stuck when I fiddled with it and it came off ....twice!! I've walked away from the plate!!

My burst of creativeness didn't stop there, whilst rummaging in my secret stash projects cupboard 
(open to view by anyone who wishes to do so!) I found this..

 I made a template from newspaper for the shape of the bucket below the line

cut the fabric.....

used some Mod Podge

and stuck on on the bucket and added some trim

Joe laughed at it and said what is the point of it! Bloody peasant!

I even baked!!! Well Edmond helped, he makes exceedingly good scone mix!
Fruit scones with clotted cream and home made strawberry jam! 
All washed down with lashings of hot tea.

If you're wondering what happened to the rest of the holiday photos, I'm working on Day Four, my birthday and the bus tour to Cape Reinga. It was a long day, an epic tour and I took heaps of photos. So I'm working may through them with PicMonkey. It should appear some time in the next couple of days.

In the meantime I've got a G&T waiting for me, so see ya.


  1. Hi. Love the platter idea, very inventive. Like the bucket as well. Men don't understand these crafty urges us women get, ha ha.

  2. Like the platter and bucket lol,glad you enjoyed your holiday yummy looking scones too X

  3. Anonymous10:37 am

    Genius idea for the cake stand. I love the start of Autumn; I enjoy staying in and battening down the hatches. the scones look gorgeous; at the moment I am over-indulging in chocolate and ginger hot cross buns and may need to have therapy when they stop being made after Easter xx

  4. Glad you had a lovely vacation! Good for you tiding up some "loose ends." I like the bucket!! What do men know?? :)


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