Monday, April 28, 2014

Re-using Moccona coffee jars

I reuse lots of glass jars, mainly for pickling and chutneys, I just save what we use and I often get given some, so I never really need to go out and buy jars. Although I do have some really nice ones I bought at a reasonable price. Some jars & small plastic jars I use to keep my range of spices and herbs in. I don't buy those silly little packets from the supermarket that cost and arm and a leg! There is an Indian warehouse in town that sells spices by the scoop and other wonderful exotic foods. We get all of our spices from here. I've had some in the plastic bags for a quite while now because I had an idea for storing them. Moccona Coffee jars are perfect, they are a nice shape with a nice airtight lid that pulls off rather than screws on. One day in the not too distant future I will be getting a new kitchen and because I am Wife of the year (see previous post) I have persuaded Joe to let me have a walk in pantry, so exciting! However I could be so old and doddery by then I won't even remember where the kitchen is! In that beautiful (I have a great imagination, which according to Joe is somewhere in cloud cuckoo land) pantry I will have floor to ceiling shelves and on those shelves I will have lovely glass jars full of stuff like the spices etc etc.
Anyway I've been saving our coffee jars and some friends are saving theirs for me and I am slowly but surely getting quite a collection.

This is how some have been stored, I do have other jars and containers but they're too ugly to share!

But look now...

If anyone reading this thinks I've lost the plot sharing photos of spices in coffee jars, I probably have but I don't care because they are just too beeyooteeful! Who can not be cheered by those colours?

I'm off to lie down in a darkened room and dream of a pantry filled with my favourite food!!!!


  1. I have to agree with you about the jars, they do look beautiful! I admired those jars while in Mum and Dad had some. Not sure I have seen them over here? Still not being a coffee drinker, I guess I would have a hard time justifying getting some!

    Your kitchen and walk in pantry sound grand...I am going to have one like that one day as well ;-)

    1. When we get what we want we can compare notes! I already have a heap of pins on Pinterest for what I want it to look like haha!

  2. My pantry is choc a block full of these jars.. all my dried fruits, grains, salts, legumes etc are in these.. I never throw one away.. all my spices are in baby food jars that I painted with blackboard paint and wrote on the top.. I hate plastic..

    1. Stevens have some gorgeous much larger jars, I covet those and may just have to treat myself! It is nice to see what's in the jars too :D

  3. We're always snapping jars like that up from car boots for our Indian spices. You're right, far too pretty to be hidden away in a cupboard! x

    1. I've been keeping my eyes open at the op shops, but no luck yet! One place had some very similar but they wanted $3!! I'd prefer to buy one with coffee in for just over double that!

  4. I have never thought of that! what a blooming good idea - you are educating me! I like thinking of food too, and looking at it, and eating it haha mmmmmm x x x

  5. I've been using Moccona coffee jars for storage for years. Not only in my pantry ... but also in my sewing room for buttons and safety pins etc.
    Good luck with your new kitchen ... I've been dreaming if new bathrooms ... wonder who's dream will come true first??

    1. It might be you! The deck needs doing first ;-D I may get the pantry before the kitchen gets done, complicated to explain but ti could happen! :D

  6. Beeyooteeful!

  7. Any ideas on how to sterilise the lids with the plastic seal?


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