Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015 one and all.................

I've been pretty slack lately with the blogging and I apologise for that, I am still alive, thanks to those who asked. We've been pretty busy here so I got behind with updates then because I was so far behind I just didn't know where to start blogging. So instead of worrying about what is now past I shall be in the present and take this opportunity to wish you all, friends and family far and wide a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2016 from all of us in NZ.
We had Michael and Natasha here this evening for Christmas Eve supper of glazed ham, freshly dug new potatoes and home grown tomato and basil salad. They are here tomorrow for Christmas Day too along with a couple of their friends. It always feels much more festive if you have a houseful. We're pretty well organised, Joe will put the turkey in early and we'll have that with the ham, potatoes and a variety of salads. But enough of that, here are a few of the festive photos I've taken so far, if you have time and want to see more I'll put a link at the bottom to my Facebook Christmas 2015 album.

Christmas Eve supper
Glazed ham. fresh dug spuds, home grown toms and basil and white sauce


Mallowpuff Christmas puds


Mince pies

A platter of goodies

Mulled wine

Presents ready for Christmas Day

And here's the link I promised you Click here

Have a fantastic holiday however you choose to spend it. xxx


  1. Love the decorations and the mice pies look really good! Happy Christmas :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Merry christmas to you & your family Sue. Have missed your posts ... have a wonderful day x x

  4. Merry Christmas to you both xxx Have fun

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Your decorations look wonderful.

    1. Thanks chook, I hope you all had a lovely time too xx

  6. Happy Festive Season Sue!! All the best for 2016 :-)

    1. And to you Raewyn, someone has switched summer on here, it's getting hot :D xx

  7. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm really behind in my blog reading. The decorations look really great and the food looks delicious! We have lots of snow and it's around -10C, -18C with the wind chill!! Not too bad really. Hope you are enjoying the heat (have a hard time getting my head around hot temps. at christmas)!!

  8. It was a lovely time, all back to normal here, decorations are back in the attic, Joe's back to work. Sounds a bit shilly to me in your neck of the woods, it took some getting used too Christmas in the sunm but when you thing of it half of the planet is in the Southern Hemisphere so they get the sun too ;-D Happy New Year to you and yours xx

  9. Great post Sue. Enjoy the remains of the Festive Season - and a Happy 2016. cheers Wendy


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