Monday, January 25, 2016

So what can I tell ya'all about last week.................

Work on the new deck can only happen now at weekends, Joe and Michael are both back at work after the Christmas and New Year break and things have got back to normal. Well as normal as it get around these here parts. Joe was on his own this weekend as Michael had a job to finish at a friends. Joe coped very well, especially as someone has flipped the switch and turned summer on. It's been really hot so when it was time to hammer in the nails Joe put up the large umbrella and worked under that.
I took these photos tonight (Monday) and we're both looking forward to watching the sun go down with a gin and tonic. Not the best photos I'm afraid as I'm not good with heights and although I've been out on the other side daily and been fine (as long as I don't go near the edge) I'm not too good on this unfinished side, I can see through to the ground and it gives me the heebie jeebies and yes I know it's not that high, I'm just a sap.

 Working out how much more decking timber we need to finish this area

In the garden and views
I'm trying to take more photos manually rather than use Auto and I'm getting there slowly, time to book that course with Sue.

There's been a lot of this going on

and Max and Jinx haven't been far from my side

There's been a bit of this.................
.....and a little bit of entertaining just because we can

There was even a Suesday!! The plan was to go to the Hospice shop as on Thursdays they open the warehouse downstairs. Well that WAS the plan, we took in a couple of oppies then met a friend for lunch and then promptly forgot all about the Hospice. Bugger!
My haul

 I got these the other day at the SPCA shop

Other stuff
I've repainted the outdoor furniture. We want to seal with deck with either and oil or stain, we're not sure, if you have any suggesting as to which you think works best then leave a comment, thanks

I've not really been sharing too many photos of the veggie garden this year, I will remedy that soon. We've been getting plenty of tommies, lettuce, radish & spuds. It's been a dead loss with cucumbers this year for some reason, but the courgettes are at least producing. If you turn your back on them for one second they double in size!
I've been playing with my portrait lens

And photographing the full moon wiv me big lens

I kind of like these too, I was trying to get the settings right and so these were just test shots

 And finally
Just a wee little while ago as I was doing this post I looked out of the window and saw a rainbow, it was actually a double rainbow you can just see the second one
As I was turning to come back inside this is what I saw
And on that note I shall bid you all good night, or good morning, or just good day.
Whatever it is where you are, have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue, the deck is going to be amazing! You'll be able to follow the shade around the house! I feel exactly the same as you about the heights. I now if I went out on the unfinished part I would fall between the open boards or I would fall over the edge-without even My insides feel a bit wobbly just looking at the pictures.
    I'm sure you must have seen the snow storms on the U.S. east coast. Fortunately we haven't had a storm like that since St. Patrick's day in 1998 when we got over 2 feet of snow in one day!! It took us 3 days to dig out our driveway and the back alley to get the vehicles out of the garage. We got 2" yesterday-more than enough thank you very much.


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