Friday, May 13, 2016

Sueper dooper Suesday

Today was a Suesday, they are quite rare these days and I think it's high time something was done about it. They most certainly need to be more regular, that's for sure. Since arriving home, I've checked all the news pages and it seems that no disasters have occurred, so it looks like Friday the 13th has been uneventful on that score. You can all relax now, as you were.

I found some wool at 50c & $1 a ball for the crocheted throw I'm making

And of course I got books

This can be ticked of the BBC list of 100 books to read
 As can The Clan of the cave bear, all of these books were $1 each ,so as they were altogether, I got them all. I'm just not entirely sure how many are in the series.

At some point, possibly the 2nd op shop we were in, I lost my book list!
And that is why I now have this book twice!! 

I found this book last trip out I think, I loaned it to Sue, I now have it back. She's swapped if for another by Sue Monk Kidd, The Invention of Wings; a book recommended to me by a friend.

I rather like Peter Mayle, I did see another by him but I couldn't remember if I had it or not, turns out I haven't, ah well it may still be there next time.

I love this style of jewellery,  nice set.

Sue shouted me lunch today, there was rather a lot of food, had we realised, we would have just ordered one plate and shared. It was all rather delicious. 
Crap photo! Sorry, phone camera.

We managed two or three more shops after that feast, by the time we got to our last port of call I was eyeing up the beds and thinking it might be time for a snooze!
We headed back to Sue's where I got a cuppa and a cuddle with some kittens.
Then we got serious....

Okay, so perhaps we were serious for about a minute......or not!

Cheers ya'all, have a great weekend


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry accidentally deleted your comment Janice, here it is again...
      "Hi Sue, You got a nice haul of books. There are two more books in the Earth Children Series-The Shelter of Stones and The Land of Painted Caves. I've read the first four but not the last two.
      I'm going to a huge book sale today. It's one of the best as all the books are in alphabetical order by author. About a month ago I finally decided to catalogue all my books (2000+). Don't even mention books to my husband Garry. I was able to put the document on my phone so I wont be buying any more duplicates. Although, when I went through all my books I only found about 8 duplicates, I thought that was pretty good.
      The fire is still burning, 2400 sq. km. now but Ft. McMurray is safe although the people still can't go back for a couple of weeks yet. The main thing is that nobody died and IF you had insurance everything is covered."

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry accidentally deleted your comment Mel!!

      "A sueper dooper Suesday indeed!!"

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry accidentally deleted your comment
      "You two Sues together - what a hoot! I think that may well be the only seriour photo every taken! cheers Wendy"

  4. Janice is correct about the 2 more books in that series. I just looked in my trusty notebook of books read and see I read Clan of the Cave Bear back in 1983!
    After you have read Lorna Doone Please review it.I read it in College and can't remember anything about it. Also Ulysses I've not read that ( but should have.)
    Happy Reading!


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