Friday, May 27, 2016

Two weeks since my last post and todays is about another Suesday and other things

The car had to go in for a service this morning, or summat, buggered if I know, I just dropped it off! A service and WoF(Warrant of Fitness) I think it was, I assume it was all okay as they let me drive it away when Sue dropped me off later in the day. It was all valeted too! Noice ;-D 
That's it's annual clean done then.

In between drop off and pick up a whole lot of Suesdaying went on. We did most of our usual op shops with some good results.
I found some proper preserving jars, 50 cents each, I just need to buy new lids. These have a wider opening and so my large funnel fits in perfectly and makes life so much easier when bottling up.

 I could resist this lovely cot quilt, I know I make my own quilts but at $5.99 I wasn't leaving it behind.

 I found an assortment of fabrics, I'm pretty sure I have a kitset in the blues & greens. I've just looked and yes I do! There are some other fabrics in the kitset, the ones below match, so a good find. The sripey fabric is like seaside deckchair fabric.

This top I ummed and ahhed over, it wasn't particularly cheap, I'm pretty sure it's brand new so a good price in that respect. It looks lovely on. This is the back view..
 The front view

Oh and of course there are books.

Whilst on the subject of books, last night was our monthly Book Discussion group. Our hostess Josie celebrated her 80th birthday this week. We were told not to bring our usual sharing plate of food, instead bring some flowers. Josie didn't know we knew it was her birthday, so was rather taken aback when we all turned up bearing gifts.
 I went to our local farm shop and I found these red tulip bulbs in a pot.

And there was a lovely assortment of fresh flowers

 Josie, who looks bloody fantastic for 80 years young

..and with her lovely daughter Helen

.....who made us a wonderful supper, warm salads
 which we had before we sat down to discuss the book....

This months choice of book was 
This is the third in a series, starting with Chocolat and then the Lollipop Shoes
We all really enjoyed it, well written and an intriguing plot with a twist.
I think I will read Chocolat soon, I have it on my shelves somewhere
I gave it 4 stars, I really liked it.
After our fairly long discussion time we sat down to a supper of; lemon meringue pie, some pancakes with cream cheese and salmon, cheese and crackers and tea and coffee. 

I loved the napkin

Kerry was missing unfortunately, her daughter graduated yesterday and so she and her hubby were down in Wellington. But here's the rest of us.


Here are us two Sues

And to finish off, a Friday funny

I'll be back sometime over the weekend, I've been a bit of a kitchen bitch so I've recipes to share.

Have a great weekend one and all


  1. Great Suesday! Love your treasures, the quilt is a cute one. The photo of the Mother and Daughter is a really nice one. Happy weekend!

    1. Hi Leanne, I really need to come catch up on your blog, plenty of crap weather on the way so I can do it then. It is a very cute quilt, definitely a cot one I think. Have a good weekend yourself chook x

  2. Great find on the canning jars. We an only get the 2 piece lids here, I wish we could get the one piece. Can't believe someone would send that quilt to a charity shop. It looks really nice and in good condition.
    Looking forward to reading your review of 'Girl on the Train'.

    1. We can get both sorts here Janice, as you'll have seen we just reuse any jar really, but I, want ones with wider tops for easier pouring. I know right, about the quilt, I wasn't leaving it there that's for sure. I have so much reading to do, it's not funny, but wintry days are almost here and snuggles under blankets in front of the fire will be happening soon xx

  3. Looks like you had a great day indeed. I really like your top. Glad you two have such a good time together.

    I keep seeming to fall asleep everytime I read lately - it doesn't matter what time of day I try...I read a couple of pages then before I know it I realise I have been holding the book with my eyes closed! It is taking me weeks to get through a book!!

    1. We do have a good time, perhaps you can come with us when you;re next over. You sound like Joe when he reads, I admit to it happening to me sometimes too, x

  4. Josie looks amazing for 80 years young! You and Sue look like you are about to get into a heap of trouble - awesome!!!

    1. Josie is just the loveliest lady, in fact the whole group are. Oh you know us two by now, trouble is guaranteed lol :-D

  5. You had a great fossick in your Op trip - ever thought about coming over Waihi to our St John Op Shop - behind KFC ?! Come on a Monday - not a Suesday - and I'll be there in the morning!

    1. Hi Francesca, I know City Sue often calls in the shops there when she goes to see her sister in Whangamata. I shall mention it to her next time we talk, perhaps a op shop road trip is on the cards. x

  6. Had you not bought that top I would have come over there, dragged you back to the shop to get it and made you buy me lunch. I swear.

    1. Yay! J! Hooray! So good to hear from ya buddy, I would buy you lunch any day of the week matey xx


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