Saturday, November 10, 2018

A day full of pretty things

As I left my house this morning

Right, before you start reading, go get a hot beverage or a tipple of your choice, put your feet up and feast your eyes upon some of the pretty things I've seen today.
Yesterday as Sue was leaving mine she said, "Come in early, the earlier the better"
So I did, that'll teach her lmao 😁😂😋
We had quite a bit planned so best to get on with it I reckon. Before I got to Sue's and cleaned out the bank account  got a little bit of cash 😇out of the hole in the wall, grabbed a large flat white, I called in to see if Sue was coming out to play.
First on the itinerary was the Craft fair at Te Awamutu, as mentioned in yesterdays post, I said that we hoped to catch up with Julie of My Threadbear Life as she was having a stall there selling her wonderful creations. As you can see it was really busy.
It was a great fair, lots of stalls with good quality products and it looked like plenty of people buying

I was one of those buying, from Julies stall I got these:
 Isn't she lovely?
 These cinnamon trees are so fragrant and remind of Christmas and mulled wine
 A bag of potpourri
 And this sewing stand made from recycled treasures is bloody awesome

From other stalls I got these:
Dragonfly ornament made from a spark plug
 And some wondrous perfumed soaps, I have to say that even though they smell wonderful, I thought I was buying locally made produce, turns out it was made in Aussie!! Didn't realise until I got home.

Okay, so now is where it gets picture heavy. After the fair we drove to Hamilton Gardens, I wanted to go to the Daltons Rose show which was being held in the Pavillion. When we arrived I noticed that the Pacific rose festival - public voting was still on. I had intended to go Thursday but the weather wasn't great that day. I was pleasantly surprised when I realised that is was on all weekend. So vote we did and literally stood back and smelled the roses. Below are just a small selection of the many roses in the gardens. No idea what half of them are called now, so just enjoy.

Blondes definitely have more fun

We did, with all good intentions, go to check out the rose show in the Pavillion, but neither of us really wanted to pay $5 to get in, besides Wairere Nurseries beckoned and rose buying was on the cards. I did the same last year and bought 2 roses for my garden, this time though I thought I should really buy the Silver Anniversary rose, only 3 years after the fact! It's has a huge bloom and so pretty.

Once that and another plant I bought was stashed in Sue's car we went for a wander around the nurseries gardens, there aren't many plant nurseries that have huge gardens to wander around, not that I know of anyway. Photo heavy again, you might need a top up by now:

Bluddy tree huggers 🙏

 I hope you enjoyed all that, I had a great day but now it's time to open a bottle of bubbles
Have a great weekend
I nearly forgot, all that beauty is free! Apart from the $60 spent on flowers!
Thanks to my computer which makes me wee videos every now again, here's one I thought worth sharing, enjoy.


  1. What a lovely post Sue. Looks like you had a fabulous day out. Those gardens are wonderful! So pretty.

    Your garden is looking great too. Love your standard roses.

    You got some lovely goodies at the Craft Fair. Hope you are having a good weekend.

    1. It was a great day. We're so lucky to have such lovely gardens in Hamilton. It's raining today, we were lucky with the weather yesterday

  2. Great pictures as usual Sue. The gardens and roses are absolutely stunning. I'm pretending I'm there coz it's 7a.m. and it's snowing, windy, -2C and I have a craft show today!! Haven't heard what the roads are like yet, hopefully not icy! Wish me luck!

    1. Hope the roads weren't too bad. Whaddya get at the craft fair?

    2. I'm not buying, I'm selling! I make wreaths knitted kids sweaters, cowl scarves and soap mainly. The roads were fine and I did pretty good at the craft show.

  3. Lovely post, glad to see you two Sues got out to visit Julie's stall, she always makes lovely and tempting things.

    1. Hi Leeanne, it was such a nice and I needed to get out of the house and away from wedding stuff. Julie is so very clever isn't she :D I could have spent a whole lot more x

  4. Replies
    1. They're just the perfect plant, everyone always admires roses, even if they know nothing about them they at least know they are roses x

  5. A perfect Suesday Sue!! What great photos. Thanks so much for stopping by my stall & your purchases. Gosh those guys at Wairere sure know how to create amazing gardens!!

    1. Good to catch up with you, I seriously would have loved the big Tilda angel and other stuff!! I'm using my pin cushion stand and I confess, I stole your pins!!!!! ;-D


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