Monday, October 07, 2019

Spring has arrived

I always like spring, even if it can be wet some times. All the new growth and the waking of plants after their winter's sleep, when they start to burst into life, always seems to have that affect on me, I'm not a lover of winter, the gloomy weather seems to rub off. But once you get out into the garden on a sunny day it brushes the cobwebs away.
Which is exactly what happened to the covered deck area, cobwebs were brushed away and the spring cleaning began in earnest, in excited anticipation of warm and sunnier days we decided that, like us, the place needed a bloody good clean up and de-clutter.
I haven't taken any before photos, because quite honestly no-one needs to see that kinds of mess. Joe had the Friday off making it a long weekend for him, a bloody long weekend he would no doubt say after we'd finished!
Michael and Natasha are back from their six week long honeymoon, where they spent time with family and friends in the UK and traveling around Europe, they got home on Wednesday. We let them have a rest day before Michael's help was required for some lifting. We had surplus furniture which has made it's way to their house, once that  was all gone we were able to get our home back into some kind of order.
First the family room, which is essentially a lounge, dining and kitchen space all rolled into one.

The new rug went down too, we'd held off because of muddy paws

Then is was time to tackle outside under the deck, the furniture was pulled off and the concrete washed, the dogs ad made muddy trails around the furniture, already we have more paw prints, courtesy of Dot who likes to dig.
We've had this furniture for years, it's lasted well, until now, Dot is a chewer, I have to make some sort of covers for the arms where she's chewed, little ratbag

If we do nothing else this year we want to at least paint the deck railings and balustrades.
And now I shall leave you with images from the spring garden, there are a few, enjoy


  1. Everything looks so spic and span! The gardens are waking up and starting to show their beauty. You definitely live in a beautiful spot.

    1. we do, we're very fortunate :D Have to say it's a lot easier weeding when there's loads of mulch on the borders :D

  2. Your house and property is just so idyllic, it always makes me a little homesick to see it. But saying that don't stop! Ha ha. Lovely to see you moving into Spring. Have a great week.

    1. I love it, you really must come and see when you're next over xx

  3. Hiya Sue and Joe and family,,

    will try a post as couldn't find how to do it before

    Did a quick catchup read ,, and love all your home and spring clean etc

    Fab its hear cos can have another Bo Peep when not so time poor .

    Take care


    1. So I replied to your email before I saw this, so ignore the email as you've figured it out. xx


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