Saturday, November 02, 2019

October 2019 round up

I've lots to share so I'll get on with it 😉👍
The weekend after my last post we drove out to Tamahere Artisan market, there was a good mix of arts, crafts and toiletries.
I could have bought so much more but I was restrained,  Joe was with me 😉
We bought a selection of soaps and a body butter, made with booze! Just had to....
The weather is definitely improving and the garden is starting to look great, the dogs have been enjoying the sunny days

We were lucky enough to have use of the Karakaraki Christian camp for three days of crafting. 

I've been crocheting too, I finished the scrappy big granny square and sewed in all the ends. Earlier in the year I finished the cross stitch tulip rug, there was loads of yarn left, so I used it to make a wall hanging, the rug will be hung too.
Sue brought over a crochet magazine with a couple of really nice projects, I bought some brights colours and made a start, it's still a work in progress, just the flowers to do. I had intended to make it longer to fit on my chair, I didn't like the dimensions of it as a throw, but when I worked on another square I thought sod it! and I left it as it was. It's bright and makes me eyeballs ache! 😋
Our house is built into a slope, which makes some areas rather interesting. Outside our front door there is a tiered garden, it's in the shade from mid morning on-wards. It's had numerous things planted there, but how it is how I like it best. We have hellebore's and hosta's, and a few ferns that come up, they get huge so we cut them back regularly.
More of the rose arbour, each morning I am treated to more blooms on the Dublin Bay rose, the lavender is covered in bees. My limes have gone past the lime colour stage but are perfectly fine in a gin and tonic

One g&t coming right up!

I re-organised the pantry and gave the booze pride of place, all ready for summer drinking in the garden
I've been making good use of the new bread maker, lunch times are good

Spring always sends people into spring cleaning mode, not me! However we did have a trailer load of stuff to go to the dump, and while Joe was unloading it all I was in the dump shop looking for more crap to bring home! I found an old trolley calling out for a revamp, at $30 it was coming home with me. I may start it next weekend, I already have some chalk paint and some antique wax

Last weekend saw England playing the All Blacks, New Zealand, in the rugby world cup semi final. It would be an understatement to say we were happy with the result!

Michael was extremely happy, he'd been getting a lot of stick before the game. It's always good to beat the All Blacks. And while Michael sang his heart out there were some very quite Kiwis!!

The 27th was our 29th wedding anniversary, we took Michael and Natasha out for dinner at the Furnace in the city centre, my dinner, photographed, was delicious
There were a couple of scary moments with a Lime scooter, I thought me life was over people!

Last Wednesday I went with Sue who is a  member of Hamilton Gardens, to a preview of a new garden opening this coming Monday. It's called the Picturesque garden, I didn't take any photos because I shall go back when there are less people and better light. After our walk through, we had wine, ham off the bone in rolls with salad and chicken kebabs, there were also fruit kebabs. We all were invited into the Pavilion where Dame Malvina Major talked of her career and of the opera Magic Flute by Mozart. The Picturesque garden walks you through the story of the opera.
Needless to say neither of us lasted more than 10 minute of the rather poor movie of it!
I did take photos of my fave gardens though....

At that point I shall leave you there 
and go pour myself another glass of bubbles, 
have a great weekend xx


  1. You have had a busy month!! The gardens you visit in Hamilton(?) are amazing. You've posted about them before and they are just beautiful. Lots of craft keeping you busy, and out of trouble,lol!!

    1. It was a busy month looking back on it :D The gardens are in Hamilton, and yes they are amazing, and free!!! I doubt there's anything that exists that keep me out of trouble hahahah

  2. So many lovely photos! MERRY CHRISTMAS Chick. See you in the New Year.

  3. Happy New Year to you and family, looking forward to new updates from a land not burning up.

  4. Hi Sue, have you moved to Hobbit town where there is no internet ?😁😁😁

  5. Thanks for postinng this

  6. I love how you're embracing all of life’s simple pleasures.


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