Thursday, October 01, 2009

Tonight Matthew dinner will be Frittata

For frittata you will need:
2 Chopped onions
2 Diced peppers
4 small Diced potatoes
Small pack bacon
Cup each Frozen peas and/or frozen mixed veg
15-20 Eggs, depending on size
2-3 cups milk
Salt & pepper
Heaped tsp English mustard powder
2 cups grated cheese

In a large fry pan, fry the onion, peppers & potatoes until softened

Add the frozen veg, cook for a few minutes then place onto a large oven proof dish

Fry the bacon until it just browns and add to the vegs

In a bowl break the eggs, add milk, salt & pepper and mustard powder, beat until well mixed and pour over the veg and bacon stir in evenly

Sprinkle grated cheese and place in a warmed oven at 180degsC for about 20-30 mins or until the top begins to brown.

Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes

Serve with a crisp salad, chutney, sauce or whatever you fancy. It is fine just on it's own!

The beauty of this dish is you can pretty much put in it what you want!

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