Sunday, June 06, 2010

Renovations - Didn't think I would see the day!

We never thought we would get to this stage so soon after the plastering was finished in these two rooms. We achieved what we set out to do today and that was to finish filling holes and sanding the wood. Also we brushed all the walls down, vacuumed, sugar soaped the ceiling and cleaned the floors. Such a relief, I can tell you, to know that tomorrow morning painting begins. I doubt I will sleep tonight!
There is still work to be done in the new office and the hallway of course but they aren't as big a job as these rooms have been.
So here's how the rooms look tonight:
TV room


  1. Things are looking good,Sue! I hate sanding walls,even if you cover everything,it seems like it gets covered with dust anyway! I was very glad when we finished our living room,just have the kitchen and bathroom to go,after Rick heals up from his surgery.
    Good luck! Donna

  2. Thanks Donna, I said to Joe yesterday that sanding down is soul destroying lol! Luckily thhe sanding down of the walls was minimal as the plasterer sanded them with his machine that collected most of the dust as it went! Mind you there was still enough! I was coughing well this morning! I knew we wouldn't sleep, it's 5.30amd and we've been awake an hour! lol

  3. Anonymous2:27 pm

    Looking good!!


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