Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday craft and St Patricks Day

Thursday is craft day, not to be confused with Tuesday knitwits, it's where some of the ladies in my road get together for a craft day. This week I took my latest project, it will eventually become a textured hexagon wallhanging. I am loving doing this, it's such fun using yarns from my stash!

Not long after I got home from craft, Joe rang and said did I fancy going out for something to eat? Well I thought about it for a bit, do I say no, and stay home and cook dinner OR do I say yes and go into town for a bit of a knees up where no doubt copious amounts of Guinness was being drunk and much celebrating was to be had and I replied, 'Does a bear poop in the woods?'

We're not Irish but we weren't about to let that stop us!
First stop was here....

Where a band was playing lots of diddly diddly music...

We then went to another pub called the Fox and Hounds, a traditional Celtic pub they reckon!! Not with that name it's not! Another band was playing more diddly diddly music, they were pretty good too. I forgot to take photos there but remembered at the next pub, Shenanigans

Joe had a Murphys, they didn't sell Guinness! What kind of an Oirish pub doesn't sell Guinness?? What's the world coming too!? I had a Magners Irish cider, it was a huge bottle and Joe had to help me out!


Back soon with the Suesday (previously known as Friday) Opps shopping finds


  1. I agree, who would turn down a night on the town for a meal you have to cook. You have a bit of a glow up there, must have been a good night :0)

  2. Anonymous3:22 pm

    Looks like you had a great time!!


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