Saturday, March 24, 2012

Leaving comments..........

I love comments, I do, really I do ♥
Recently I took off the word verification to make it easier for people to post, but left it so that only registered users could post, also I moderate every comment.
Yesterday I changed it so that anyone could comment but it didn't take long for the SPAM to show up, so it's been changed back to registered users only.
If you've been trying to leave a comment recently but been unable to, sorry. I used to get a horrendous amount of SPAM and I don't want it back again.

I could change it back to using word verification but I don't really want to do that as I don't like having to do it every time I want to make a comment elsewhere.

So that's it today, not very interesting I know but I thought I better just say, ya know! ;-D

Off to watch Michael play rugby later. He's recently gone back to work after having an operation on his thumb. He'd fired a nail through it sometime ago with a nail gun, he had to have a bit of stray cartilage removed. Anyway first day back this week and he promptly stands on a nail in a plank of wood someone has carelessly discarded!
Sigh! He's worse than his father ever knew how to be!

So I shall be looking for a player with protective head gear, a strapped up thumb, who's limping and in yellow boots! That's mah boy!

First aid kit packed - check!
St Johns Ambulance booked - check!
A&E on standby - check!
Anti-anxiety tablets and large bottle of wine for mother - check!

Hope you're weekend is going great!!


  1. Hi Sue! Thank you for visiting my blog recently. I have been rubbish at keeping up with everyone elses. Spring is suddenly upon us and the wish to be able to clone 'myself at will' in order to get everything done has never been stronger! I'm hoping to have lots of lovely new pictures ready soon. Got a nice piece with lupins on the go at the moment. After my big Open Studios weekend, I will make more available online but you can always ask to see what I have here at home anytime.
    I was making felt yesterday for pictures and was trying to make a big piece but got so exhausted felting it that I threw it it the washing machine. Huh! It came out tiny! That's what I get for trying to cut corners : )

  2. Anonymous2:34 pm

    Poor kid!! It sounds like you are prepared for any more mishaps.
    Good mother!!

  3. you forgot, oxygen tank, defibrillator, and deep heat!!

  4. Well I figured the first two would be in the ambulance ;) And if the eye watering haze coming from the changing room was anything to go by then I didn't need the deep heat! lol

  5. Hope he survived the rugby intact!
    Why don't you keep the word verification turned off but switch to moderate comments, that way if you do get inundated with spam you can delete it before it's published? x

  6. Yeah he was fine apart from getting gouged in the eyeball! lol And yep that's what I've done Vix, just couldn't leave it open for 'anyone' to post which is a shame as I know some people were commenting that weren;t registered :(

  7. Urgh, I hate how Blogger has changed the word verification things...

    What is it about your blog that is attracting so much spam? I've been pretty lucky so far by not getting too much spam. There is one blog entry in particular that seems to attract it when I get spam.

  8. Oh I haven't been inundated lol. Normally get none but had some for the first time in ages the other day. None since so all good.


I love reading your comments and I thank you for taking the time to write them. I do my very best to reply to every one of them right here on the blog. When you leave your next comment tick the 'email follow up comments' and then you'll get any replies I leave. Thank you for reading my blog.