Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Attacking the gorse and clearing out the drains

I tried to post this last night and then the internet bombed out on me, I have to walk away when it does that cos I get so peed off with it. We awoke to rain and I cursed..loudly! Diggerman came anyway. First he set about clearing drains, and then removing the gorse. Below are photos of drains flowing freely and paddocks reappearing! I won't give and explanation of every pic if you want a more detailed description and to see more photos you can click here for the album on Arsebook!
We had sun for a while and then the rain set it and it's called a halt to all work. Should the ground dry out enough in the next two weeks then he'll return to put in some drainage pipes and put the soil...ha! Mud! back over the top. The rest of the gorse may have to wait until February next year when it's safer for the digger to continue and not run the risk of sinking into the bog!

After all the rain nature has given us recently it then reminds you it can be beautiful!

See ya next time ♥

1 comment:

  1. Well crud, at least they got a start & it looks to be working. What is the saying "Make plans and God laughs"?


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