Saturday, October 06, 2012

Woohoo! Half way.....

This has to be quick, having major internet issues and plans are afoot to change it all to something different. So I could be offline for while until it's sorted. Computer is also going into the shop soon. I didn't make the usual Suesday, we postponed until Thursday.

Before I show you my finds  had weigh in at Jenny Craig and I lost 700gms this week bringing my total loss to date to 10.3kgs, so halfway there! Yay1

Save Mart

Habitat for Humanity

Salvation Army city centre

Save Mart

And that's it for now, so until I get sorted regarding the computer it's likely I'll be AWOL for a while.


  1. Keep up the good work,Sue! We will miss you while you are gone.

  2. Well done on the massive weight loss, that's absolutely brilliant! What a haul! xxx


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