Sunday, November 25, 2012

A little R&R....

Did some more work up the top house this morning and after lunch decided to walk the dogs on the beach at Raglan, about 30 mins drive away. We have a young French guy staying with us at the moment, his name is Cédric. He is helping us with jobs around the place through HelpX. Basically young people travelling around NZ (other countries are in the scheme too) can exchange help with jobs for a bed and meals. It's a great scheme and we've met some lovely young people by being members of the site.

It was lovely at Raglan today, although the blustery wind was a bit chilly and of course the dogs don't care about the weather, they just love the beach, here are the photos I took today.... remember you can click on the photos to make them bigger.....

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend ♥

1 comment:

  1. Nice day to frolic on the beach with a young french man!! Wee wee!!


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