Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Shoesday and minus me co-pilot!

Sue managed an hour or so with me this morning then went off to do something that is far worse than having a tooth pulled with no anesthetic! She had to go watch her son play cricket! Poor luv! And I've just rung to see if she's home (5.30pm) and she's still watching it! And to think I nearly went to keep her company....phew! Narrow escape methinks. The only way I could endure a game of cricket is to have a continuous supply of Pimms and lemonade to hand and scantilly clad waiters serving it to me...then I'd go... in a heartbeat....I would ya know! 

Together we went to the wee oppie in her road where I had to have this for 50cents...
It's so me!

Then it was Habitat's turn and I found this for $5, ideal for me washing basket!
I reckon I could put Sue on when she get's old and decrepit, I like things with a multipurpose!

also got these books and cross stitch pattern, cute dragonfly, I have a thing for dragonflies!
Total spend $8.50

We also managed to squeeze in the  Hospice shop before she got the call to go..
Fruity fabric, keyring, ring pin cushion, candle holder thing and a latchhook hook!

Keyring close up

ring pincushion close up...

Time then to drop Sue back home and I headed to Frankton before JC weigh in
At Vinnies I found these as new shoes $4

At Save Mart found this gorgeous hooded cardi, needs the buttons replacing, easy job...

I didn't have time to check out the Red Cross as I was cutting it fine for my weekly weigh in, 
This weeks loss was 700gms which brings my total to 11.9kgs lost. I can't believe how well it's coming off and I'm on track for the next goal I set myself to achieve by Christmas.

I found nothing in the Sallies in town so tried my luck at the Dump shop...
Stunning shoes $3, bracelet $3 and jug which I'll use as a vase, $4.50

At the SPCA shop I walked in just as they had put these out..
...aren't they gorgeous?

Embroidered napkins, set 2 tray cloths and 4 napkins $2

My final stop was the Sallies at Grandview, the only find was a tile for $1 which I paid $2 for 'cos she couldn't work out how to open the till! Good sales ploy! ;-D It's been added to my stash which I'll share with you when I have more.

Right that's me for today, the dogs are pestering me for their dinner had to say that quietly.

I might take you around the garden tomorrow, I'll be back for sure on Friday, I'm meeting up with Sue and we'll be joining on with Frock on a Friday.

 See ya then ya'all.

Oh I also wanted to  say a big HELLO to the new followers and for the lovely comments received recently. Keep it up, it's lovely to hear from you.



  1. That bejewelled cutlery reminds me of 1980s jewellery, what a fab find!
    The "fabric" sign is fun! x

  2. Great stuff you got your hands on. We might have to fight over some of the items, if I had been there ☺
    Especially that sign, saying no more fabric *giggle*

    And your success in losing weight is awsome *clapping hands* bravo

  3. Great shopping! I bet you have a spring in your step finding all that loot AND losing all the weight! Ace!

  4. You gonna need a bigger wardrobe soon!!!


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