Friday, November 02, 2012

Thank frock it's Friday!

There are a few blogs I follow where the lovely ladies frock up on a Friday! And as Suesday was put off until today then we just had to get them frocks on! It seems Summer is on it's way and it's certainly warm enough to ditch the winter woolies and boots.
 Here we are posing is Sues splendid garden.
She took a few others and they may well appear on her blog soon.

Our first port of call was Habitat for Humanity and I was only just in the door and found something rather lovely, I'll show you that in a sec but first here is Sue with her adoring fans!

And here are my spoils, the jug and 6 glasses were the things spotted first and are crying out for Pimms and lemonade to be made up in that jug and I have some duty free in my drinks cupboard!
Add one flour dredger, one cross stitch ring, two bone china mugs 
and 3 french knitting dollies, or as the lady serviing us called them, knitting nancy's, 
in the UK that would have a totally different connotation!

I must just mention that the lovely fella who runs HFH was waving a magazine around and chased us as we were trying to leave, he shouted 'Before ya go I must just show you this..' he'd had a story published in a magazine... we felt awfully posh knowing someone in print ;-D

After a quick look in the dump where nothing grabbed my attention we went to Frankton, and out of the shops we look in there only Save Mart could tempt me and that was only because I needed to change the shoes I was wearing. They have sequins which were catching on the threads of my dress and I was having visions of so many threads being pulled out and my dress falling off and leaving me naked in the street! Ya know I'm sure I've had dreams like that before.....

Sue gave directions to the next op shop, I'd not been before and I have to say her directions leave a lot to be desired..don't they woman!! I do like a little tour! :D Anyway the bargain of the day has to be this, just $2 and ya can't pass that kind of bargain up can ya??

We decided to check out an op shop that we'd visited before, it hadn't rocked our boat but as we were passing it seemed silly not to try again. By chance it had been taken over by this very cool lady who was clearing out most of the stock before she brought in the new, she let me have the top espadrilles for $2 and gave the bottom ones to me for nothing as they are a bit grubby but I'm certain they'll come clean with a wash, if not I've lost nothing.
We'll be going back there again, especially on the 1st of every month....Special's day!

 ...and for $4 this very cool compact mirror..

We also popped into a garden centre and I've put by some roses and will go back Sunday with Joe tp pick them up. At a reclaim yard I was looking for some handles for the wardrobe doors in our bedroom but didn't find any, instead I bought two vintage tiles for a future project. I've a lot to collect nds that project is a long way off, it will be a collage of tiles that will eventually will be behind the day, sometime soon when I get a new kitchen.....

In the SPCA shop I found this hat for $2


..glasses case, teacup napkins, duck measuring cups and CDs. I love musicals, I was once told I should be on the stage....sweeping it apparently! A James Bond Cd, I have dreams about James Bond, or rather Daniel Craig.....phwoar...blimey has it turned hot in here??

Last port of call was the Sallies in Grandview, total spend $5, magazine box, 
cute bowls for my dressing room

and what has to be the prettiest find these lovely Geisha girls, made of the most delicate paper.
(The beige paper is just there for protection)

 I feel better now for having got out, I needed it for sure. I'm now ready for some dinner it's 7.30pm!

Have a great weekend, I've got a lot of gardening planned, what are you up to?

Ta ta for now folks!

PS I didn't get to Jenny Craig this week so nothing to report there, just as well after Saturday.


  1. I am a wicked co pilot and you know it!!! Frockin' good day out ♥

  2. Now that sounds like the most fun shopping trip! I'm green with envy about those beautiful geisha girls

  3. What a haul. You both looked gorgeous in your frockery.
    We were all perving over Mr Craig over drinks yesterday, best Bond ever. x

  4. On one hand I'd really like to join in with you in your OP shopping, but on the other hand I'm thankful that I can't. I would be tempted to clutter the house even more than I do already.... Seeing all those pre-loved bargains you show us on a regular basis.

    Looking forward to your next trips to the OPs


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