Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Been AWOL and very busy!

Been busy redecorating the rental house, it's been hard graft I can tell you. I haven't quite managed to sort all the photos yet but I've done a few on PicMonkey. So I'll show you those for starters and show you some more another day. It was a great help having Cedric our HelpXer here and I couldn't have got as far as I did without his help. So far the lounge, dining room and the 3 bedrooms are finished. Still some work to do in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway, I'll share those another day. For now here are the lounge and dining room before, during and after photos.....

Lounge before....



Dining room, before, during and after....

After (oops I doubled up on one photo)....

We're really pleased with the way it's turned out. I was pretty upset with the way it was left, I won't be showing any of the really bad photos, just take it from me it was pretty awful in places even with the ex-tenant getting cleaners in. Needless to say he's been un-friended on Facebook as he's not my favourite person right now.  :(

There are so many things I need to show you as we've done heaps around the place, I hope to show you that soon. But now I need a large wine for my aches and pains, we can't have a spa cos it ain't working...gah!!

I have a day of R&R planned tomorrow, it's Suesday and I've missed out on that for the last 2 weeks! I hope Hamilton is ready for me because I'm raring to go....

Catch ya later


    Hamilton has been forewarned that you have a day pass so they are ready baby, ready I tell you!!!! And about bloody time and all.

  2. Looks fabulous!!!!

  3. You have been busy! Have a fantastic day tomorrow! x

  4. Decorating always takes FAR longer than you think!!! It's coming along well,darl!
    I'm rather excited about Suesday for you gals,go HARD! XXX


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