Friday the 16th seemed to revolve around family and food and there's no better combination...
Joe and Michael cooking breakfast in mums kitchen
Emily and Mason
Aston the cowboy
Anna the dog with a fascination for DVD players!
Ian, happy in Sandra's kitchen, Masterchump..oops chef! :D
Dad and Joe watching the athletics
Michael seems pretty relaxed in the kitchen too! a dolls pram!
No summer is complete without a jug of Pimms
Zoe, who holds the world record for taking the longest time to grate a lump of cheese!
Nice pinny Michael!
Ninny in a pinny....
Mum getting all mushy listening to a song
(rather too many Baileys)
(rather too many Baileys)
A Mexican feast
Aston, Julie, Mason and Ian
Mum and dad and me just schwingin'
Two gorgeous girls, obviously get there figures from auntie
Chim chiminee, chim chiminee chim chim cheroo..
We'll be doing much of the same today I expect
See ya later
Your nieces are stunning and yes it is obvious that they take after you! You all look so happy and relaxed, may that continue!