Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cowboys and kittens....

Michael's girlfriend Natasha is training to be a veterinary nurse, long story short she saved four kittens that were going to be put down, one sadly died but the remaining three are doing well. I am kitty sitting those babies tonight whilst Michael and Natasha are a party, luckily I have Stephanie here to help me feed them, she was rather beside herself with excitement when she heard they were coming. Anyhoo the party was a fancy dress and the theme was Cowboys and Native Americans, doesn't quite have the same rings as Injuns does it?

His new vehicle

WARNING! Cuteness overload coming up...

 I've other things to share but they can wait until tomorrow, Stephanie and I have babies to feed, then it's time for my bed. See ya tomorrow ♥



  1. Those kittens are just gorgeous, I want! x

  2. So cute so cute. They can be so attachable.

  3. I had a kitten visit, sooooooo cute, and so small.


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