Friday, April 17, 2015

Would you Adam and Eve* it? A Suesday, a book fair and a whole heap of goodies and stuff!

*Adam and Eve it = Cockney rhyming slang for believe it.

The world is my oyster, I now have control of the car. Woohoo! Joe started his new job this week and he now has a company vehicle. 
Joe leaving for work Monday morning.

All is going well so far, he's had a call out this afternoon so is going to be late home, which is fine, I've a large pan of pumpkin soup on(home grown of course!), some cheeses warming, a fresh bought bread and two bottles of Pinot Noir are all ready and awaiting his return. The weather has changed this week, we went to be in one season and woke up in another. I haven't succumbed to lighting a fire or turning on the heat pumps yet but the lap quilts have come out.

Before I share todays Shenanigans I should show you some recent op shop finds, I've managed to squeeze in a few shops on my travels, not a huge haul, there doesn't seem to be much around and bearing in mind that I haven't been op shopping much recently the same old shite is still in the shops!
But they have plenty of books, because I clearly don't have enough...

 Some burlap. There was a moment in the shop when I was looking at books(funny that!) that I realised the two yellow rolls were not in my basket! I had put it on the floor

And then wait for it, today a Suesday...rare as hens teeth they are!
And to add to the excitement the Rotary club was having a book sale at the racecourse!
Woohoo! See above comment about not having enough books!

One of the books was from and op shop but can't remember which one, not that it matters much really. What matters is that I've had to secrete the piles of books so Joe doesn't notice that I have clearly lost my mind! well how else am I to complete my Goodreads challenge of 52 book in a year. I am on track with that by the way and I'm actually one book ahead of schedule! I need to update on those I've remembered.
Other things found today..

A boot thingie, Sue had to tell me what it was.

 In Frankton there is an Indian clothes shop, both Sue and I had assume, wrongly, that they only did saris, but no! they don't, we were just about drooling at the lovely garments they had in there.
On some racks prices were $20 or 3 items for $50.
I went for the latter....of course I did..
Two gorgeous tops and one dress.

And that's it for today. I have some crafty stuff to show but I'll come back to that another day.
We've just had a spicy pumpkin soup with coconut cream, cranberry and walnut bread and some VNO pinot noir. Joe's about to bring up a cheese board with the rest of the bottle and a second bottle (cos ya never know if you'll need another) of Stoneleigh Pinot Noir.
Enjoy your weekend folks, I think we're at a game of rugby tomorrow, Michael's got a game and I need to check out my new super dooper zoom lens.

I would like to wish my niece Zoe in the UK a very happy 18th birthday, it was on the 14th and she's having a big birthday bash this Saturday.
We can't be there obviously but we wish everyone a great night.
Zoe with our gift of champers and balloons xxx

See ya, wine is poured


  1. You have some great books there, perfect weather today too for curling up with them and reading, maybe with a glass of vino this evening.

    1. Since joining a book reading club I've got my reading mojo back, I hadn't really read in years and yet I always had my nose in a book as a kid :D

  2. Wow that's a whole lot of books! I am soooo slow at reading books, O only read when I go to bed in the evening, by then I get only 3-5 pages read and I'm nodding off!
    Sounds like a yumo dinner! Glad you Sues had a good day out!

    1. Joe's not a reader really, I think he would like to be but he's a serial sleeper and nods off after half a page. It was a yummo dinnner :D

  3. Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things is one of my all time favorite books. I was at our library this afternoon, in a pleated butterfly workshop, and the next craft will be a paperback book that is folded and ends up looking like a bird house.

    So, since I had to get rid of all my books in the moves, and the library's book sale began yesterday, it is the perfect opportunity to get cheap books and support their programs. I shopped there yesterday and did well, two bags of books for ten bucks. And since I will need a paperback for the bird house thing, and the paperbacks were 25 cents each, I went back down after the workshop to buy some, and there was The God of Small Things, for a buck. I also bought Rebecca, wanting to read it because I am not sure that I ever did.

    I now have books that I always meant to read and have begin a tiny library.

    You found several of my favorites, especially Quentin Crisp. Does he not look divine? As well as Forster and Sue Monk Kidd.

    1. How funny we seem to be finding and reading the same books, kindred spirits obviously :D I love my big book case of books, my little library, it's getting overloaded though. I did manage to get away without Joe noticing all the extra books, but then he's not the best observer lol ;-D If you want me to send you the Quentin Crisp book after I've read it then email me and I'll post it to you xx

  4. I bet it's quite a big library by the look of things! Love the clothes and wondering what you'll make with the burlap ? :)

    1. It's getting bigger, too may for the shelves unless I empty the few shelves with dust collectors on!! The Burlap! I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called when I was trying to explain to Sue what I had bought, I just said to her it began with B! Of course by the time I wrote the post my memory had returned :D I've no idea what I;m going to do with it.......Pinterest is my friend!

  5. Great post Sue - and great buys too. I have read some of those books. Kate Atkinson is a bit hit & miss with me, but I think When Will There Be Good News is a good one. I don't buy books anymore, even bargain ones. Get all mine from the library now. Only have kept a small portion of my old favourites. Love those dresses too.

  6. Thanks. I thought I would give Kate Atkinson another chance, I wasn't overly enthralled with Life after Life but I thought she wrote well. We've watched some Case histories Jackson Brodie and enjoyed those. :D I should use our library more but when you're so far out of town it was a bit of a nightmare when I didn't have regular use of a vehicle. :D I bought some brightly coloured merinos yesterday so the dresses could be getting a debut soon :D

  7. Hi Sue, some great new purchases there - those books look fascinating. So do your new clothes. Gosh hasnt the weather changed, it was freezing down at Mums & I thought when I got home, it would be lovely & pleasant Waikato weather. How wrong I was - great weather for curling up with a good book .... & some pumpkin soup!!!

    1. The weather surely has changed, I've found though that a couple of glasses of Pinot Noir warms you up quite nicely!

  8. Look at all those books … that should keep you out of trouble for a while ;0)


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