Friday, March 27, 2020

Time to get those jobs done

It's day two of lock down, but I don't like that word, I saw something on Facebook today and thought, yeah, I like that much better, here it is,


1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to put in place a temporary ritual prohibition, closed season, ban, reserve - traditionally a rāhui was placed on an area, resource or stretch of water as a conservation measure or as a means of social and political control for a variety of reasons which can be grouped into three main categories: pollution by tapu, conservation and politics. Death pollutes land, water and people through tapu. A rāhui is a device for separating people from tapu things. After an agreed lapse of time, the rāhui is lifted. A rāhui is marked by a visible sign, such as the erection of a pou rāhui, a post. It is initiated by someone of rank and placed and lifted with appropriate karakia by a tohunga.

So day two of rāhui, and we're doing fine, it is only day two after all, I'm quite happy doing this most of the time anyway so no real hardship for me, but Joe will no doubt feel it in the coming weeks. His work involves maintenance etc offsite much of the time, such places as Fonterra, dairy farming and Huntly Power station. Both essential services during this time, they need to be maintained to ensure they run smoothly. Next week Joe and  some other workmates will need to working at one if these sites. Good working practice is in place so they will be fine.

In the meantime there is plenty for us both to be doing here. I'm still in the process of sorting the office/sewing room. In order for that to be done other things must be sorted first. So it will be ongoing for a little longer. 

Before I share today's efforts I will bring you up to date with progress so far.
One of the first and most pressing jobs was to somehow get this walk in wardrobe to work for us both, a few years ago I would have considered this such a luxury and it still is really, but I was very spoiled at the last place with my dressing room, which, if you've been following my blog for while, was huge! This is not so huge, it needed more hanging space, Joe was able to turn the very large and heavy shelving to sit along the back wall, he then put up the wardrobe packs you can get from DIY stores. It is so much better now and all of our clothes fit!!
There's no door until it can be rehung to open outwards.

While Joe was away doing something somewhere, no idea what, can't remember now, I decided to make a start on my books, boy was that a mission!
I was quite ruthless, there were books there I had collected in order to read as many on the BBC big read list, well I've ditched that idea for the foreseeable future. I had a cull, four banana boxes went to the little book shop in town just before we all began rāhui.
 As you can see they look great, I'm not sure whether it was pure luck or very good judgement on my part but they fitted in perfectly, what are the odds on that happening, perhaps my love of jigsaw puzzles helped.

It's starting to look like home, I'm sure there will be minor changes or tweaking as we go, but for now getting us back to some semblance of normality will do


Joe got the TV working so we've been able to watch TV, no internet connection as yet, I expect we may wait a while now. So I rely on my free 2GB after 5pm on my phone, which is pretty dire.

We finally got to cook at home rather than grab a take away, wine was involved
  Chill con carne
 It was delicious

 So back to today, before any work started breakfast was needed, we think we might try starting the day with a good breakfast and eat smaller meals as the day goes on, with less activity it might be better for us. We'll see.

First job, shelves were needed for my spices, 
I cleared the area so he could start

Another job started today was the putting together of white cupboards for the garage, even with a huge declutter there is still plenty of stuff that we need to store. He had an audience.

 My very important job was to sort these fiddly things!

More of that tomorrow. 
Time for me to enjoy my second G&T, ice from the new fridge/freezer 
and a lemon off the tree in the garden/
Cheers, see you tomorrow.


  1. I like your Rahui, too bad it affects the whole world! The house is looking great and I'm very impressed with your books. Looks great.

    1. It's a lovely word isn't it. Let's hope the rest of the world follows suit

  2. Its all looking great Sue. I love that verse Rahui - just perfect.

  3. Looks like an incredible new home Sue! Stay safe, sane & creative!

    1. Thank you xx I intend to get back into creative mode as soon as we've got ourselves sorted, stay safe xx


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