Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Rahui Day 7 and a stroll to Lorenzen Bay

 One Week in lockdown complete!
Today was an absolute stunner of a day, 
I love autumn, especially when it's like today.
Not a lot got done today other than snoozing, a lot, for me and Joe had a video conference and a few phone calls for work to attend to, it's a worrying time at the moment.
I can state categorically that the dogs are unperturbed by recent events

Before dinner we decided to enjoy the lovely weather and take the dogs for a walk to Lorenzen Bay.
The tide was out, we walked along the shore edge below the houses on the right side of the bay.

 Great views of a stretch of the inner harbour

 Sorry but some of the photos are a little distorted, I didn't realise that it was on wide angle, I can't see a blimming thing on the phone screen in the bright, the very fact I got anything is a miracle.

Love this boat shed, so cool

We seem to have moved into a lovely neighbourhood, even though we've only met a handful they seem a generous and helpful community, I'm looking forward to meeting them properly once this Covid 19 virus has buggered off! Anyhoo, we checked our mailbox on the way home and found these chillies, a gift from one of the neighbours.
I will leave you with a video I took on our way out, there are a number of children in our area, what has been lovely is the way that everyone is pulling together to keep the children entertained. The teddy bear hunt seems to have gone global, here in our little estate as well as teddies/toys in windows it's been painted rocks, the line grows daily.

Stay safe, see you soon


  1. Glad to hear you are both safe and well. I hope you continue to be. The scenery is wonderful, thank you for sharing. It is so good to see photos from NZ especially as I wasn't able to come this year.

    1. We're doing good thanks, we really should have that catch up next time you're over.xx Stay well, stay safe

  2. Great place for a walk. Test how hot the chillies are first.

    1. We're very happy to live in such a lovely place, plenty of choice for walks, from easy to challenging, I'm still working on getting off the sofa :D

  3. Great bllog you have


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