Saturday, April 04, 2020

Rahui - Day summat or t'other

So now I've lost track of what day we are on, but to be honest it's what I'm like most of the time anyway. I'm quite happy to be at home, the challenge is going to be having Joe home for the duration!! 😂😂😂
 Just kidding, I have a long list...

This morning we went for another walk around Lorenzen Bay, the tide was further in but was on it's way out. There was no-one around, so we took the opportunity to let the dogs off the lead, we've not done this before as there was no real need to have them on leads back on the lifestyleblock.
They were really well behaved and thoroughly enjoyed being able to explore,
they came back when called so that was a real bonus.

Back home and after breakfast and a cuppa and no doubt yet another snooze!
are you snoozing a lot? We are!
....... anyhoo, we decided that we should really do something.
We set up one of the bedrooms
Note Jinx in her spot by the window 😍😍

Not entirely finished, things to hang etc.
Love the view out of the long narrow window above the bed

Interesting clouds today, they're what I called Toy Story clouds

Joe cooked a Sunday roast today! As if I wasn't confuddled enough already, this completely threw me and I couldn't get my head around it being Saturday!
 It was bloody delicious and the first roast in our new home.

There was even dessert, recipe to follow

Coconut cake
I left off the topping and mango but added some mashed feijoas to the mix
they made the cake lovely and moist, topped with passionfruit syrup

Stay safe and stay home xx


  1. The room looks lovely... and so does the Sunday/Saturday roast. We might have one tomorrow... it being SUNDAY an all! lol

    1. Aye, Sunday roast on a Sunday is always good I reckon :D lol

  2. Looks like a beautiful day at the beach. We have had snow every day for god knows how long now. We have still been going for a walk every day but the wind is bitterly cold. It's actually nice and sunny today and I'm sitting here watching 3 deer munch on the bushes across the street!

    1. We've been very lucky with the weather, I do love autumn. We don't have deer but we do have herons, although they are sneaky little buggers and fly off before I can photograph them, they got keen eyesight


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